Each year, Central Oregon students are empowered to present the work they’ve done while learning about our watersheds. Our annual event, Students Speak: A Watershed Summit, has created unique opportunities for students to take the stage to tell their watershed stories for the past 16 years. Students have shared watershed lessons through presentations about restoration experiences, stream monitoring, sketches, nature photography and film-making, writing, and music. Our watershed summit is focused on helping students build an understanding of their local environment while developing an enriched and empowered sense of stewardship for our rivers and streams. In 2025, we are coordinating another watershed summit to give students a creative forum through which to cultivate their public speaking skills while educating and engaging other students and community members about the health of our watersheds and inspiring them to become watershed stewards.
The watershed summit gives students the unique opportunity to share their work and have informed conversations with students of all ages while also connecting with natural resource professionals and community members. We are excited to once again offer students an inspiring forum to share their watershed creations, music, art, and writing. It is an empowering day for students of all ages. Through their presentations and discussions, students feel proud and valued for the streams studies they have accomplished with guidance from the Watershed Council, their teachers, professional mentors, and/or as independent projects. Through the past few challenging school years, we have guided teachers and students to find new creative ways to continue to connect with and learn about the natural world.
Working closely with our partners, teachers, and students, we will facilitate an innovative conference for students to share their watershed creations, research findings, music, poetry, videos, and artwork with other students and community members. For more information or to learn how you or your students can get involved, contact Education Director, Kolleen Miller.