Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Photo: Martin Sundberg

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

The staff and Board of the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council commit to critical self-reflection and to educating ourselves about social justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion so that we can do our part to create inclusive and healthy communities and watersheds in Central Oregon and offer programs that ensure access for all and where everyone is welcomed and valued. To this end, we have created a committee of Board members and staff to identify strategic and programmatic actions we can take collectively and individually to help us become a more diverse, equitable and inclusive organization. While we recognize this will be an imperfect process and we are early in our journey, we are dedicated to engaging in this work. As a conservation organization committed to protecting and restoring our rivers and streams through collaborative efforts in on-the-ground restoration, education, and monitoring, we seek to work with community members of all ages, interests, ethnicity, and socioeconomic backgrounds to care for our watersheds for current and future generations.